A  Pair work  Complete the sentences about

the Carter family. Then listen and check your answers.

1. Anne is Paul’s ............. .

2. Jason and Emily are their ............ .

3. Paul is Anne’s ............. .

4. Jason is Anne’s ............ .

5. Emily is Paul’s ............. .

6. Jason is Emily’s ............ .

7. Emily is Jason’s ............ .

8. Paul and Anne are Jason’s ............ .

kids = children

mom = mother

dad = father

B  Pair work  Tell your partner

about your family.

“My mother’s name is Angela.

David and Daniel are my brothers.”



Simple present statements

         I walk to school.                                     I don’t live far from here.          Contractions

   You ride your bike to school.            You don’t live near here.                  don't=do not

     He works near here.                             He doesn’t work downtown.       doesn't=does not

   She takes the bus to work.                She doesn’t drive to work.

    We live with our parents.                    We don’t live alone.

They use public transportation.      They don’t need a car.

A  Paul Carter is talking about his family. Complete the sentences

with the correct verb forms. Then compare with a partner.

1. My family and I ........... (live / lives) in the suburbs.

     My wife and I........... (work / works) near here, so we ........... (walk / walks) to work.

     Our daughter Emily ........... (work / works) downtown, so she ........... (drive / drives) to work.

     Our son ........... (don’t / doesn’t)drive. He ........... (ride / rides) his bike to school.

2. My parents ........... (live / lives) in the city.

     My mother........... (take / takes) a train to work.

     My father is retired, so he........... (don’t / doesn’t) work now. 

     He also ........... (use / uses)public transportation, so they ........... (don’t / doesn’t) need a car.





husband            wife

father       mother


son         daughter


brother     sister